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Membership classes

The IIA SA offers several classes of membership to match an individual's level of education and experience. The classes of membership, as well as the rules for and the basis of eligibility are defined by the Board of Directors and approved by members in the general meeting.

Classes of Membership:

Fellow Member Class (FIIASA)

The Fellow Member Class is conferred on applicants who have completed one of the IIA SA designations, namely the Internal Audit Technician (IAT), the Professional Internal Auditor (PIA) or the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA).

Members in this class have full voting rights and may make use the designatory letters FIIASA followed by their highest designation. (example: FIIASA, PIA). Members in this class are required to adhere to Continuing Professional Development requirements in order to retain their designation / membership class.

Resignation from membership or expulsion from the Institute will result in the individual forfeiting his/her designation. 

Graduate Member Class

The Graduate Member Class is conferred on applicants with an academic qualification registered on the National Qualification Framework, at NQF level 7 or above, be a practicing internal auditor and have at least three years uninterrupted experience in internal auditing.

Members in this class have full voting rights and may make use the designatory letters MIIASA. Once a member has been admitted to this class of membership will be eligible to continue in this class regardless of any changes in occupation.

Associate Member Class

The Associate Member Class is conferred on an applicant who holds a relevant university degree or equivalent thereof or has at least three years internal auditing or related experience.

Members in this class have full voting rights. An Associate member may apply to be upgraded to Member status once they have obtained the required experience and / or qualification.

Student Member Class

The Student Member Class is reserved for individuals who are full-time students studying internal audit at a recognised academic institution, and who are not currently employed. Members in this class do not have voting rights.

The membership period for Student Members will be from 1 January - 31 December.  Applicants will be liable for the full year's subscription fee regardless of joining date.

Student Membership is limited to a maximum of a five-year duration including an internship, served under the auspices of the academic institution, for a maximum of 12 months.

On completion of the degree, the Student member must apply to be upgraded to the appropriate membership class. Candidates who upgrade within stipulated deadlines, shall be eligible to pay a half year Affiliate Membership rate to be brought in line with the standard membership period.

Affiliate Member Class

The Affiliate Member Class is for individuals who are not practicing internal audit, but who have an interest in the Internal Auditing Profession, but do not meet the more stringent requirements of professional membership, or would like access to products and services reserved for members.

Members in this class do not have voting rights. Membership discounts differ for candidates in this membership class.

Retired Member Class

The Retired Member Class is reserved for members in good standing, who retire from active employment. They are eligible for reduced subscriptions. Retired Members may elect to continue to be full voting members, provided they pay the full subscriptions required. Members in this class do not have voting rights.

The Retired Member Class is open to those individuals who have retired from active employment; are members in good standing at the time of their application for this class of membership; have been members in good standing for a minimum period of 5 years and have their designation status as retired.

Honorary Member Class

The Honorary Member Class is reserved for individuals proposed and approved by the Board of Directors in recognition of outstanding service to the profession or to the Institute of Internal Auditors. Members in this class do not have voting rights.